Every child and family is different in their own wonderful way

and each of our packages are tailored and customised to meet your individual goals and needs.

1:1 Basic Phone Consultation

all ages

This package is perfect for parents experiencing smaller sleep challenges who do not feel they need additional support.

After reviewing your intake form, we will schedule a one hour phone consultation to go over everything you are experiencing.

During this phone call we will discuss your child’s sleep environment, routine, nutrition, your concerns and goals. We will then discuss your chosen settling method and create a plan to move forward with advice tailored to you and your child’s individual needs.

Following the call, you will then receive an email with a summary of our phone conversation and any relevant educational material that was mentioned during the call.

**This package does not come with a individualised sleep plan or follow-up support**


1:1 Phone Consultation, Individual Sleep Plan + One Follow Up Call

Age: 4 months +

This package has it all and is perfect for parents who feel they need full support and guidance to reach their goal of achieving better sleep.

After reviewing your intake form, we will then schedule a one hour phone consultation to further discuss your goals and expectations and develop a plan to move forward.

Following this call you will then receive a comprehensive personalised sleep plan for you and your child that will cover their sleep environment, your goals, nutrition, a suggested routine, nap management and contingency plans, night expectation and a supportive settling technique that you will feel comfortable implementing.

You will also receive any relevant educational material to accompany your sleep plan and 1 x 15-30 minute follow up call, 7 days after the initial consultation.


Newborn Sleep Foundations

Age: 3-16 weeks

This package is designed for navigating newborn sleep!

After reviewing your intake form, we will then schedule a one hour phone consultation and discuss what is realistic and biologically typical for this age, how to implement great sleep foundations that will best support you and your newborn, common sleep challenges you see at this age, and a plan on how you can move forward feeling confident and equip.

Following this call you will then receive a in-depth personalised sleep plan for your child based on what was discussed during the consultation.

You will also receive any relevant educational material to accompany your sleep plan and 1 x 15-30 minute follow up phone call 7 days after the initial consultation.



Daytime In-home Consultation

This in-depth in-person package is designed for parents who want hands on support with their nap routine and are ready to completely transform their child’s sleep habits.

After reviewing your detailed intake form, we will then schedule a 2-hour in-home consultation where we will assess your child’s sleep environment, talk all things sleep and routine and discuss a range of different settling techniques available.

Together we will determine which settling technique is best suited for you and your child. Your sleep coach will then demonstrate and teach you how to implement your chosen settling method and work on settling and resettling your child together during the consult.

Following this home visit, you will then receive a written individualised sleep plan for your child and any relevant educational material to accompany your sleep plan as well as a follow up phone call, 7 day after the initial home visit to ensure you are continuing to reach your sleep goals.

** Additional travel fees apply is distance is greater than 50km from Lennox Head, NSW**


Additions for Previous Clients

Additional phone support.

** Please note this is only available for returning clients within 6 months from initial consultation**